Carrots, Anyone?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

last day...

...of putting work first this week. I hope. Two letters to write tonite, so no gym, but going to run tomorrow, 45 minutes, and going to do weights saturday, 45 minutes, to ramp me up for sunday's run. I'm still petrified especially with how inactive I've been this week, but I just have to tell myself I CAN do it - I've run three miles at least 24 times since August, so I know I can do it. My goal for the 5K on sunday has to be FINISHING - NOT keeping up with everyone else. Cuz if I try that, I won't finish in the way I want to - running, with my pride intact :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I weighed myself at the gym - I'm at 223.6, not 225/226 like I feared. So I put 4 lbs back on in the past month, which I'm not alarmed at. I was expecting more with my eating habits being what they've been lately and being sick / going to the gym less.

I cannot wait until this hell week is over so I can go back to my gym routine and not be bogged at work. Good lesson not to procrastinate at work. It's not worth fucking up my health over that's for sure.


the good parts of today, are that I got more of my work done than I had set out to do. I have 20 letters I have to write by Friday. Since Sunday, I've busted my ass and written 14. Fourteen. Four-teen. 14 fucking letters. I've got 6 left and am happy that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Cuz this is exhausting! Each one takes me roughly an hour, so I've had an extra 3.5 hours of work every day basically since Sunday night. I cannot wait until this week is over!

So, mostly due to this added work, my workout schedule has been thrown off. I went to the gym Monday nite, but decided to catch up on much-needed sleep last night instead of doing weights @ the gym. Today, after two extra hours at work (cranked out three in two hours, YES!), I decided to go shopping with T to unwind instead of running @ the gym. I just couldn't take it physically. Plus, I needed to go shopping because of that mouse that's running around my apartment and the draft blowing in the windows. Got me some mouse traps (eek!) and Mor-Tite (putty-like caulking to go around the window cracks). It's a breezy 55 degrees in my apt tonite, and I am going to snuggle down DEEP into my blankets! The putty caulking will have to wait til I have time this weekend. Hopefully I won't turn into a popsicle then!

I haven't been good about vegetables today...I had a buttload of potatos and sweet potatos and chinese food...and tea. Shit that sounds like a shit day today eating-wise. I'll bring a head of lettuce to work with me tomorrow. Gotta keep the rabbit in me going!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

frickity frack

friggin tired...was hoping to go to the gym to do weights today, but came home and slept for 3.5 hours. Trying to catch up on sleep since work has been so insane. Did a couple more hours of work tonite after I woke up. Just have to get through this week. So, trying not to beat myself up too much and trying not to pus myself too much to keep to my workout routine, as I have to be flexible, and I have to be smart about not overextending myself and risking exhaustion, getting more sick (recovering from bronchitis) or risking injury (tired muscles...felt twinges similar to that of my shin splints yesterday when I ran). need to be careful.

finally ate a healthy serving of vegetables today for the first time in a while (by healthy, I mean at least a cup to a cup and a half in one sitting, of cukes and carrots drizzled in oil and vinegar. mmmmmmmmm. made my body feel better, and my mind more at ease that I had a healthy snack (instead of chocolate) despite the fact that i wasn't able to exercise.

btw, DAMN COLD in my apt - the windows are drafty as hell - I need to buy some damn curtains.

wow, my mouth is terrible when I'm tired. excuse all the near-expletives.

hope your days are going well!

Monday, October 27, 2008

yay me!

SO, in preparation for running my FIRST EVER (did I say, FIRST EVER?!!!!!) 5k run on Sunday, I decided to gear up again since it's been a while since I've (a) been back to the gym, and (b) been on a proper run. I think I've run maybe once in the past week and a half instead of the 2x-3x a week (plus 3x/wk weights)

So, this week, I've decided that this is going to be my schedule (the days are usually swapped run/weights):

MON - 45 min run
TUES - 45 min weights
WED - 45 min run
THURS - 45 min weights
FRI - 45 min run
SAT - 45 min weights
SUN - my (FIRST EVER!!!!!) 5k run

So tonite I went for my 45 minute run...did 3.2 miles (about a 13 minute mile - nice! I started out doing 19 minute miles in the summer of 2007 with a max of 2.5 miles, so i've made an improvement!) I was so stressed out today because of work (pulled a 11.5 hour work day with another long one coming up tomorrow and the rest of the week), that I just zoned out when I ran, and didn't even look at how much time was left until I only had 5 minutes left. I love that there's an upstairs to my gym where the machines look out over the parking lot, not the tvs and weights. I find those so distracting, and they keep me focused on how much (or little) time has passed. Staring in the parking lot, I can lose myself in thought (which I did today, had a LOT to unwind from), and time just blew by.

So go me...wish me continued luck and efforts. I really need it, and it felt SO GOOD to run today even though I was exhausted from work. Much better than if I had just come home at 7:30pm and chilled out and slept.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Where've I been?!!

So after hearing from both T and S that they've checked out my blog recently only to see that I haven't posted in MONTHS, I decided to get back on and start up again...hopefully keeping more consistent!

SO, updates:

* I got myself down to 119.8 lbs a month or so ago

* I'm currently back up at 225ish, due to stress, boys, crazy work schedule, winter, and chocolate

* I'm running my FIRST EVER 5k race this upcoming weekend. I'm petrified I'm going to suck

* that said, I HAVE been running 3 miles several times a week since the summer so I'm feeling pretty prepared.

* I'm just feeling vulnerable b/c I've only jogged once in the past week and half due to all of the aforementioned issues

* some boys are stupid. and they make me stupid. just had to say that

* some boys are SWEET, and FUNNY and SMART and they make me like them. a lot

* I'm sad I'm not in a place to be in a relationship, not matter how nice the boy. I am enjoying - and really needing - my freedom

* mad that I'm not more active than I was before, because I was feeling REALLY good when I was going to the gym consistently, and looking great

* trying to cut myself a break b/c I've been getting used to dating (totally new for me), the crazy schedule of work, a weekly class, stress with the ex, and work drama.

* don't know why i'm writing in bullets. seems less daunting than paragraphs

* have bronchitis. that sucks balls.

* have a mouse in my apt - ran by me twice today. that sucks balls even worse.

* going to watch tv now...stressed and trying to unwind.

* please keep on my ass about keeping active - I'm trying to keep on myself but it's hard when there's so much else going on.