Carrots, Anyone?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Beautiful Day for a jog...and pizza!

My b/f wanted to come jogging with me today, and we did. It is GORGEOUS outside! A little breezy, but sunny as what with barely a cloud in the sky! It was actually relaxing to jog...medatative. I didn't have my ipod with me this time around, and I think I'm going to not use it as much in the future. It distracts me from relaxing. This is weird because I never thought I'd be someone to say that jogging is like meditating - I would have been the one to say 'that's crap!' BUT, there is something relaxing and meditating about it...about any repetitive action (kind of like what crocheting was to me at one point), except this repetitive action is also making me feel better all around. I feel:

* more alert

* like I want to be active, move around and do things

* antsy just lying around

* that healthy food tastes better and is more filling than crap food (mmm...grapefruit!)

* more fit: I'm shrinking ever so slowly, and am able to jog an itty bit faster each time

* not guilty going for small indulgences. Like pizza!

My frame of mind is shifting, and it's great. I haven't been eating junk food (my nemeses: chocolate and doritos) lately partially because it hasn't crossed my mind, and partially because I've been avoiding it. I do well when I don't have treats, but when I do, it's like a dam opens and I wharf things down. I'm hoping that once I get more fit and my tastebuds change and my mentality towards food changes, that the cravings won't impact me as much.

Now that I've gone for my 35 minute jog/run today (which burned 350 calores - nice!), I'm going to go enjoy a slice of pizza from a place I believe is called the Leaning Tower of has the leaning tower of Pisa in front. I am gonna order a slice and a salad cuz my stomach's gotta have it some balance!

have a great day!


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