Carrots, Anyone?

Monday, January 15, 2007

I did it!

I felt productive on a number of levels today...I sorted through my shoes and packed away "spring/summer" ones. I sorted through my clothes and swapped them out of five-year old cardboard boxes into plastic bins. I sorted through my books and packed away unread ones into said five-year old cardboard boxes. I went through the pile on my desk and filed away three months worth of papers. I set up an e-bill for one of my credit cards and paid it online. I checked out apartments to rent and condos to buy.

AND. I ate healthily, tracked my points, and did some dancing for activity points. I earned 7 activity points today, and still have 3 points left to eat, and it's already 10:30pm, so it's a good night. Well, good day, really. I'm proud because I got up in the middle of watching the golden globe awards to do my Core Rhythms 20 minute workout. I tried playing it on my laptop set on top of the entertainment center, and it choked twice. So, I put in in the DVD player and played it thru the TV, missing 20 minutes of the golden globes.

The thing I look forward to the most is what I had written this past August, five months ago, while temping at the American Heart Association. In reading through their literature, I followed through on a suggestion of one of the brochures that said to list down everything you would look forward to in losing weight, becoming more active, and becoming more healthy. The one that resonated with me still today was "4. Free up my mind from worry (stand up straighter, suck in stomach, etc.)"

I'm hoping to be back on track, and today certainly helped put me in that direction.


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