Carrots, Anyone?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More Affirmations and My Strong Moments


I hope you're settling in OK w/ all the new stuff :)

I just talked to my brother for 45 minutes...we don't usually talk so much, but he's always been helpful with helping me. He brought up a lot of things that rang true for me, so I made them into affirmations for myself. I'm adding these to my "affirmations box" and thought I'd pass them along. I hope I'm not inundating you w/ this stuff, I'm just excited to have someone to share it with!

Another thing I wanted to affirmation for today was "the next thing you do is what matters."...It helped me out twice today and I made some good choices:

1. In the grocery store on the way to your house. We were going to get sushi, but there was nothing good. So I was like "whatever, I'll just get pepperoni or something yummy since it's just for a drive", but I changed my mind and got chicken (well...boneless bbq chicken wings), green beans, and red potato salad. The chicken and salad were my "treats" and they were actually my least favorite of the three. I also got sun chips (instead of doritos)...

2. tonite 9:30, I'm hungry! I was just gonna get some salt & pepper chips and some ice cream or crackers since that was quick, but instead, I boiled up some whole wheat pasta, defrosted lean ground turkey, threw in some leftover greenbeans, and had some impromptu spaghetti. Granted I didn't eat til 10pm, as opposed to 9:31, but it was worth the wait as I'm more satisfied. Also, my brother called as I was eating, so I only ate half of what I put in my bowl, and I found that I really was "full" after 20 minutes! I am going to go buy smaller bowls to control my portions...

OK, that's it...sorry I'm so long winded, but I like the idea of being accountable to you, I hope to make this a daily thing but let me know if that's too much on your end - I don't want to inundate you. I was actually thinking of starting an anonymous blog to post this stuff so maybe I'll do that instead of clogging up your inbox...

It took me twenty years to learn to eat this way. Change will happen…in time.
I conditioned myself to eat this way. I can condition myself to eat differently.
I conditioned myself to be inactive. I can condition myself to be active.
I conditioned myself to lose motivation. I can condition myself to keep motivated
If I can get a Masters degree, I can learn to live a healthy lifestyle
Diet pills are like singing without learning how. I can fake it, but it won’t last long.


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